The sad footage was captured by Muhammad Abdellah, an activist from the pro-Palestinian International Solidarity Movement...
His team came across the young Palestinian man, who told them he was looking for his family, and that they followed him in an attempt to help him find his relatives.As they tried to make their way across a heavily damaged area, shots suddenly rang out.
The first sent the group scrambling for cover, but did not hit anyone, but the second hits the man in the green t-shirt.'Israeli soldier sniper hit him in his hip, so he laid down. And I started to ask him 'can you move?' Because if he can move, maybe he can roll around and go to the other place, but he said 'no, I cannot move, like my blood is going everywhere.''
Then, the Palestinian was hit a second time as he lay on the ground. And that bullet, I guess it was in his heart or like or almost there, because he was like going and dying in front of our eyes

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