Amnesty International has verified videos sent out on June 2nd this year by, Every Nigerian Do Something, to Nigerian media which displayed members of the Nigerian Army and the Civilian-JTF mass-killing Boko Haram terrorists.
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The footage reveals “graphic evidence of multiple war crimes being carried out in Nigeria,” according to Amnesty, which says it has independent confirmation from several military sources that the armed captors “were indeed military personnel.”
In one horrific video, a Boko Haram suspect is pulled from a truck and held down while a man in military uniform slices his neck open with a combat knife, hurling his body into a pit. The scene is repeated with another suspect on the same bloodied patch at the edge of the grave.
Detainees are kept to one side while graves are dug before the pit is shown half-full of bloodied bodies.
The video also shows images of men being pulled off the back of trucks and beaten by soldiers and allied civilian militias.
According to Nigerian Defence spokesman Major-General Chris Olukolade, the scenes depicted in this video are alien to their operations and doctrines, however, it has to be investigated to ensure that such practices have not crept, surreptitiously, into the system.
Amnesty International’s secretary general Salil Shetty said: “This shocking new evidence is further proof of the appalling crimes being committed with abandon by all sides in the conflict … what does it say when members of the military carry out such unspeakable acts and capture the images on film?
“Numerous testimonies we have gathered suggest that extrajudicial executions are, in fact, regularly carried out by the Nigerian military.”
Photo - AI Releases Footage Where Nigerial soldiers slit throats of Boko Haram
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