Intro: The scoop herein is trending and an open secret amongst society topshots in Chicago, New York City, Houston Texas and Nigeria. Hilariously as can be seen above, the two of the three warring ladies have illegally acquired Otunba Kayode Oke liar liar's name without any introduction or engagement whatsoever, this is called, wedding coercion name ambush!

Hennyholar Oke - Chicago

Tokunbo Morafa Oke - Ney York City

Mosun Adepitan Odunsi - Houston Texas
There is a looming Gaza love war looming between Chicago based sultry Successful Hennyholar Oke, tantalising New Yorker Tokunbo Morafa Oke and sweet Texas Mosun Adepitan Odunsi. Well, the love war is all about the sweet candy of charming and suave Abuja based politician Otunba Kayode Oke known on the street as Otunba Kay liar liar.
Chicago feelers indicate that Otunba is a tiger in bed and charming to the core. Otunba is a married man but give it to him he is allowed under the Otunba titleship to marry 20 LOL but the tale by moonlight is that Otunba is just having a jolly good time with the ladies concerned, using them as sex toys but some of the supposedly matured ladies have acquired Otunba's name and toga and are hell bent on fighting one another to Galilee! Otunba now seems to have shifted his gear stick to Tokunbo Morafa Oke and sweet performer Mosunmola but Hennyholar is not ready to let go without a helluva of a battle. Hennyholar is about demonstrating a true life Romeo and Juliet story to both Mosun and Tokunbo.
Sources close to Otunba Kay intoned that Otunba is not particularly pleased with Hennyholar because she backbites like amebo and such women are not a politician delight. Tokunbo is quite easy going but desperate for marriage. Kay is not cut out for that at this stage of his life. Mosun, is the sweet one. She is quite homely and knows the tricks of the snake in the monkey shadow sex style. Every man's delight, Mosun is.
Home to Otunba, Kay is a jolly good fella, blessed by God with the good things of life and using it to fool gullible flash in the pan ladies. Kay hardly spends on his ladies and they are all ready to do and undo for him. What about Kay's official wife you may ask, well, as my Edo folks go talk am, leave mata for matayas, she dey siddon watch the series film because na 3 ladies waka come, no be her alone!!
We shall keep you updated

LOVER BOY - Otunba Kayode Oke aka Liar Liar Abuja worldwide!
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